Monday 120910

Maniee repping out 225!BMac gets after it.Brad jumped is way to 1st place!

The 9/11 Challenge was a blast. Please make sure you thanks Joe and his crew for hosting a great event and for their hospitality. I was really happy to see everyone compete, win or lose. It was very gratifying, however, to see so many of you place in the top ten, and see Brad and Erin take top honors in men's intermediate and women's advanced (and there would have been one more in the top bracket too, but thats another story). Brian Devlin, Charlene, Gracie, Romina, Travis, Maniee, Scott, BMac, Ana, Max, Geneva, and Jaqueline all threw down!

I see what looks like a flipped switch in everyone who competed. It may be desire to reach the next level, an awareness of skills that need to be refined, or just the competitive drive that was awakened. If you competed, and you learned something, or decided something because of it, please post to comments.

We are going to do our Hatch Squats on Wednesday and Friday this week. If you competed on Saturday, and did three more workouts on Sunday, REST! We will be attempting to PR our back squats, and I want your legs to be fresh enough to make progress.


3 Rounds for time:

Run 400m

21 KB Swings, 53#

12 Pull Ups

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